Han winning 3rd out of 21, in the Regular Veteran Male 8-10 Years Class, Breeder Owner Handled.
Han showing at the 2013 GRCA National, Breeder Owner Handled
**Han daughter Mattiaci Speed Was A Factor, "Danica" was WB over 34 bitches in Denver 2013 for a 4 Pt Major!
Danica was also BEST OF BREED over 14 Specials at the February Chicago shows to finish her Championship!!
Han is short coupled, perfectly propertioned & still has outstanding movement.
He was 3rd place out of 21 Regular 8-10 Veteran Dogs, Breeder Owner Handled at the 2014 GRCA National.
Han (on Right) on our 5 mile run with one of our other AKC Champions "Hamer"
Shown Above, Han as a teenager, at the beginning of his show career.
Show Above: Han sired puppies from Ransom Creek Goldens in Spokane, WA.
Han is named after China's Gold Aerials skier, Han Shiaopeng, as he loved to watch the winter olympics when he was a baby puppy.
Han has had an impressive show career, winning Best of Breed from the Bred-By class, and 2 specialty majors: WI, Northern Flyway Golden Retriever Club from the
Bred-By class under breeder judge Ainsle Mills & MO, St.Louis Golden Retriever Club from the Open class under judge Mrs.Buxton.
Shown Above: Florence handling Han to his second specialty major in WI from the Bred-by class.
At his first shows, Han placed from the Bred By Exhibitor classes in Portland, OR & Denver, CO shows winter of 2007.
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Han's AKC Record:
04/08/2007 Golden Retriever Club of Greater St. Louis Mrs. Donna J. Buxton Open 1st
Mrs. Donna J. Buxton Winners Winners 3 Pts
04/13/2007 Chambersburg Area Kennel Club Mr. David L. Kittredge Open 2nd
Mr. David L. Kittredge Winners Reserve Winner
04/15/2007 Mason and Dixon Kennel Club Mr. F.M. (Butch) MacDonald Open 3rd
05/03/2007 Intermountain Kennel Club, Inc. Mrs. Barbara Dempsey Alderman Bred By Exhibitor 1st
Mrs. Barbara Dempsey Alderman Winners Winners
Mrs. Barbara Dempsey Alderman Best of Breed/Variety Best of Winners 1
05/18/2007 Northern Flyway Golden Retriever Club of Wisconsin Mrs. Ainslie Mills Bred By Exhibitor 1st
Mrs. Ainslie Mills Winners Winners 3
05/19/2007 Oshkosh Kennel Club, Inc. Mr. Peter W. Bauer Bred By Exhibitor 1st
05/20/2007 Winnegamie Dog Club, Inc. Judith A. Zawikowski Bred By Exhibitor 2nd
Judith A. Zawikowski Winners Reserve Winner
05/25/2007 Gloucester Kennel Club of Virginia Mrs. Ann D. Hearn Bred By Exhibitor 2nd
05/27/2007 Langley Kennel Club Mrs. Nena Dee Bred By Exhibitor 1st
Mrs. Nena Dee Winners Reserve Winner
05/28/2007 Langley Kennel Club Mrs. Janice M. Provenzano Bred By Exhibitor 1st
Mrs. Janice M. Provenzano Winners Winners
Mrs. Janice M. Provenzano Best of Breed/Variety Best of Winners 2 Pts
07/07/2007 Inland Empire Kennel Association, Inc. Brent Wright Bred By Exhibitor 1st
09/22/2007 Helena Montana Kennel Club Mr. Kenneth A. Buxton Bred By Exhibitor 1st
Mr. Kenneth A. Buxton Winners Winners
Mr. Kenneth A. Buxton Best of Breed/Variety Best of Winners 1
Mr. Kenneth A. Buxton Best of Breed/Variety Best of Breed or Variety
11/17/2007 Minneapolis Kennel Club, Inc. Dr. Steve Keating Bred By Exhibitor 1st
11/18/2007 Minneapolis Kennel Club, Inc. Mrs. Connie Gerstner Miller Bred By Exhibitor 2nd
11/30/2007 Yuma Kennel Club Mrs. Eva M. Harris Bred By Exhibitor 2nd
02/17/2008 Colorado Kennel Club, Inc. Mrs. Betsy A. Yates Bred By Exhibitor 1st
02/18/2008 Colorado Kennel Club, Inc. Mr. Sidney L. Marx Bred By Exhibitor 1st
04/18/2008 Palouse Hills Dog Fanciers, Inc. Mrs. Elaine E. Mathis Bred By Exhibitor 1st
04/19/2008 Palouse Hills Dog Fanciers, Inc. Mr. Eugene Blake Bred By Exhibitor 1st
04/20/2008 Lewis-Clark Kennel Club, Inc. Mr. Robert J. Shreve Bred By Exhibitor 1st
04/21/2008 Lewis-Clark Kennel Club, Inc. Mrs. Leslie Belfit Bred By Exhibitor 1st
05/24/2008 Tanana Valley Kennel Club Mrs. Patricia V. Trotter Open 1st
Mrs. Patricia V. Trotter Winners Winners
Mrs. Patricia V. Trotter Best of Breed/Variety Best of Winners 2Pts
09/18/2008 Gallatin Dog Club Mrs. Nancy D. Simmons Bred By Exhibitor 1st
Mrs. Nancy D. Simmons Winners Winners
Mrs. Nancy D. Simmons Best of Breed/Variety Best of Opposite Sex 1
04/17/2009 Palouse Hills Dog Fanciers, Inc. Ms. Dany Canino Bred By Exhibitor 1st
04/18/2009 Palouse Hills Dog Fanciers, Inc. Mr. Robert Stein Bred By Exhibitor 1st
04/19/2009 Lewis-Clark Kennel Club, Inc. Dr. Dale D Simmons Bred By Exhibitor 1st
04/20/2009 Lewis-Clark Kennel Club, Inc. Mr. Lawrence (Larry) J. Sinclair Bred By Exhibitor 1st
05/25/2009 Tanana Valley Kennel Club Ms. Linda C. More Open 2nd
Ms. Linda C. More Winners Reserve Winner
12/12/2009 American Kennel Club,Inc. Dana P. Cline Bred By Exhibitor 4th
02/13/2010 Plum Creek Kennel Club of Colorado Dr. Ronald I. Spritzer Open 2nd
02/20/2010 Guadalupe Valley Dog Fanciers Mrs. Carolyn B. McKenna Open 2nd
Mrs. Carolyn B. McKenna Winners Reserve Winner
03/06/2010 Scottsdale Dog Fanciers Association, Inc. Mrs. Karen C. Wilson Open 3rd
03/07/2010 Superstition Kennel Club, Inc. Ms. Linda C. More Open 1st
Ms. Linda C. More Winners Reserve Winner
05/02/2010 Walla Walla Kennel Club Mrs. Patricia V. Trotter Bred By Exhibitor 1st
Mrs. Patricia V. Trotter Winners Winners
Mrs. Patricia V. Trotter Best of Breed/Variety Best of Winners 1 Pt
07/17/2010 Inland Empire Kennel Association, Inc. Mrs. Carol Esterkin Open 1st
Mrs. Carol Esterkin Winners Winners
Mrs. Carol Esterkin Best of Breed/Variety Best of Winners 1 Pt